ICMDA Europe Conference for Medical and Dental Students and Junior Doctors

We want to create a space where you can have a personal encounter with God. Let us challenge each other to strengthen our relationship with Christ by redefining our priorities. He is our foundation - out of his power we live and work.
Let us learn from each other and become a mutual encouragement across generations and countries. Be encouraged by doctors from all over Europe sharing their personal experiences and visions in challenging lectures and seminars.
We want to strengthen long-term networking on a European level. We aim to multiply our impact as Christian medical. So let us get to know each other and share our perspectives and ideas.
Three intense days with four main lectures, more than 15 different seminars, panel discussions, worship and time for networking and fun are waiting for you.
ICMDA is the International Christian Medical and Dental Association representing over 60.000 dentists and doctors in 107 national groups (like the German ACM) worldwide. The Organisation is interdenominational and is guided by six foundational principles: biblical, Missionar, equipping, service, unity and diversity.
The vision of ICMDA is to see a Christian witness through doctors and dentist in every community in every nation. ICMDA starts and strengthens national Christian medical movements by providing regular means of exchange, promoting co-operation and supporting the special needs of medical and dental students and junior doctors.
Changes may still occur concerning seminar titles and descriptions.
1 Better humans and artificial humans: transhumanism and AI in healthcare
Prof. John Wyatt
Technology is advancing at a break-neck pace, and science fiction is becoming reality in front of our eyes. 'Low-tech transhumanism' is already commonplace, in the form of cosmetic surgery, mind-altering pharmaceuticals and gender changing interventions. Brain-computer interfaces and VR/AR technologies are coming. AI is transforming diagnostics, genomics and health data analysis. Artificial companions and carers are proliferating. How can Christians respond to these dramatic changes? What will it mean to serve the unchanging Christ in the midst of continuing technological revolutions?
I worked as a Neonatologist and Professor of Neonatal Paediatrics at University College London, UK for more than 25 years. My role combined clinical care of sick newborn babies and leading a research team on the prevention and treatment of brain injury. As my experience grew I became increasingly concerned about the complex ethical issues I was facing and this led to a new focus on engaging medical ethics from a Christian perspective. I am now concentrating on research into new technologies - especially AI and transhumanism - writing, teaching and investing in the next generation of Christian physicians.

2 Bereavement: Walking through Grief and Losses
Pablo Martínez
The shortest semon Jesus preached was before the grave of his fiend Lazarus. He wept and he said very few but transcendental words of hope. Here we find our model to follow people who are going through the dark tunnel of bereavent need very few words. Their main need is our understanding, sympathy, nearness and, above all, hope.
In this seminar, we will consider some practical tools to help the bereaved, both from an emotional and spiritual viewpoint, without neglecting our own experiences of grief as doctors.
Pablo Martínez is a psychiatrist. He holds a private practice in Barcelona with a special focus on the Medicine of the whole Person and existential psychotherapy following the approach of Dr. Paul Tournier. He develops a valued worldwide ministry as lecturer and teacher. His books have been translated into 20 languages. Closely involved with ICMDA since he was young, he served as one of its vice presidents (1998-2006). For more information: https://christian-thought.org/pablo-martinez.html

3 Faultless or Fallible? - About Making Mistakes and Dealing with it
Dr. Eckhard Piegsa
Medicine is about doing good to others and healing (or at least helping) people. This is what we are striving for. And yet: “Nobody is perfect” – neither are we. What are common reasons for making mistakes in our medical ministry? What can be done to avoid them? And how can we deal with them when they happen (for happen they will)?
Dr. Eckhard Piegsa, FRCPCH, is a German paediatrician. He trained in Germany, worked for about 10 years in Egypt (interjecting 6 months Paediatrics in the UK), and thereafter subspecialised in Paediatric Neurology. Having worked as a Consultant Paediatrician in Germany for about 10 years, in 2019 he joined a colleague in running an outpatient paediatric office in Bremen (Germany).

4 Trusting God in the unexpected turns of life as a (junior) Christian doctor
Dr. Eralda Hegendörfer
In our life journey as Christians in the medical profession there are a lot of twists and turns some expected and some unexpected as well as many choices to make: What speciality to follow? Where to work? Who to marry? Which church to go to? etc, etc. In this seminar we will explore together based on Bible stories and our individual life stories what does it mean to trust God in all life circumstances and how do we keep and further build up our trust in God even when things do not go as planned.
Dr. Eralda Hegendörfer has worked for nearly 15 years in Albania as a GP and university lecturer. She was deeply engaged with the movement of Christian doctors and medical students in Albania and also with ICMDA Eurasia. She now lives in Belgium with her husband and son and contributes to teaching and medical research.

5 Integrating Spirituality in your Medical Practice
René Hefti
As Christians and medical students or young doctors we are challenged to integrate our Christian belief into our medical practice. This can be difficult in a biomedical context as medicine still is. The biopsychosocial model already widened the scope for psychosocial aspects in medicine. A next step was initiated by palliative care bringing up existential questions including religious and spiritual topics. As a consequence spiritual care as a new scientific and clinical field began to establish itself in modern medicine, a unique opportunity for us as Christian medical students and doctors.
The seminar will communicate basic knowledge and research results and facilitate basic skills (as taking a spiritual history) to practice spiritual care in your own clinical context.
I am a physician trained in internal medicine, cardiology, and psychosomatic medicine. After my training I was leading a psychosomatic clinic practising a whole person approach based on a Christian anthropology. In parallel, I became a lecturer at the University of Bern, Switzerland. We founded a research institute for spirituality and health to promote the new field of "spiritual care" in modern medicine.

6 Faith And Work - Special Invitation for Dentists and Dental Students
Paul Nandrean
As dentists, we often face a lot of pressure in our work. Some of it comes as a result of our own expectations while setting our professional standards, like being the best. While this is a huge burden to carry, it's essential to remind ourselves that competent work is also a way of manifesting love. Stress may also arise from our journey towards success, as it is well-known that the reward for a well done work is more work.
While facing specific challenges, dentists have the option to face work as an opportunity to serve the neighbour in need. The Gospel provides resources for us, directing our attention to both work and true rest at the same time.
Paul Nandrean started to involve in a CMF local group since his 1st year as a medical student. Gradually he got involved at local, national and international level, serving The Balkans as a Regional Representative since 2013. He is a very passionate dentist, leading a private dental office. Paul is married to Adina, and together they have a son named Emanuel.

7 Balancing Research, Academics, and Training: Bridging the Gap Between Hospital, Lecture Hall, Lab and Home
Sara Ares Blanco
Join us as we explore the decision-making process during your training journey, addressing topics such as engaging in research, clinical practice, and pursuing an academic career. If you are currently involved in research, we will also discuss strategies for managing research commitments while maintaining a balanced life and living out your faith.
I am a GP in Madrid (Spain), I am a researcher in primary care, I am focused on preventive care, COVID-19 and health policies in Europe.

8 Sexuality, Ethics and Jesus - When our ethical principles in sexual matters come into conflict with Jesus' love
Dr. Andrea Schwalb
In our daily work, we encounter various sexual orientations and questions of sexual identity. In the seminary we want to think and learn about the way Jesus encountered people with other attitudes in sexual questions for learning how we can deal these questions in our medical work. We want to discuss the area of conflict between helpful challenging questions, our own moral and ethical attitudes and the acceptance of the patient in the love of Jesus.
I have been working since 19 years as a child and adolescent psychiatrist and psychotherapist in a practice with a great team. I am also specialised in psychotrauma for all ages. After three years of working in a Christian hospital for psychiatry and psychotherapies for adults, I have worked as a generalist and afterwards for seven years in a medical mission work in the extreme North of Cameroon. Married to a pastor, I find joy in the expansion of our family since the marriage of my two adult children.

9 Cultural Competence in Medicine
Bert Nanninga
Throughout Europe, we have almost become used to language barriers and cultural obstacles in our daily medical work. Unfortunately, we are often taught little about cross-cultural medicine and the competences we need to acquire for that, even though cross-cultural communication is one of the recognised CanMeds-competences. Patients from other cultural backgrounds may wrongly be labelled as "difficult patients" yet each one of them invites us at the front row studying medical anthropology. What does cultural competence in serving our patients look like? And how can we develop it?
In this workshop, I’d like to highlight the basics of transcultural medicine and psychiatry in particular.
Bert Nanninga is a transcultural psychiatrist who specialises in psychotrauma and migration. As a former long-term tropical practitioner, he now works with refugees and migrants with mental health problems in The Netherlands.

10 The Cost of Caring - Secondary Trauma, Compassion Fatigue and Resilience
Gisela Roth
The seminar addresses why we, as doctors, are prone to compassion fatigue, explores its symptoms, and discusses strategies to enhance our resilience. We will take a look at what we can learn from Jesus' hectic life, as well as from science and practical experience.
I became a Christian during medical school in Berlin, and then became a missionary with DMG. As such, I worked as a bush doctor in Zimbabwe, established a home based AIDS care program and saw the need for member care. To this end, I specialized in psychiatry and psychotherapy, then working at Tumaini Counseling Centre in Nairobi to support missionaries in crisis. After 37 years in Africa, I returned to Germany for family needs, now doing member care online and working in child and adolescent psychiatry. I also train Africans in EMDR to help traumatized clients.

11 Global Health - Global Mission
Dr. med. Gisela Schneider
In 2030 the world wants to see “UNIVERSAL HEALTH COVERAGE” – everybody should have access to health care without falling into poverty. One of 13 Global Health Goals of the UN. Health & healing ministries are also at the heart of the church. How can the Christian church respond to such global challenges and is there a unique task for medical mission today?
In this workshop, we will look at Global Health Challenges and examine the contributions Christians have made and need to continue making in a postcolonial global world. What role do Christian health professionals play in today's context?
Gisela Schneider is a public health physician who worked as a missionary doctor in Africa from 1984 to 2007 in the areas of Mother and Child Health programmes, and HIV care. She taught as Director of training at the Infectious Disease Institute (Makerere University in Kampala/Uganda) from 2005-2007.
Since July 2007 she leads the German Institute for Medical Mission (www.difaem.de), supporting church based health services especially in DRC and West Africa. She is engaged in access to medicines for Africa and more justice for women in DRC (www.die-kongo-kampagne.de). Since 2023 she is member of the Commission for Health & Healing of the World Council of Churches.

12 How to entertain angels – The Art of hospitality
Jason Roach
God has given us the opportunity to get to know him in unexpected and surprising ways through hospitality! It can bless you, your churches and those who do not know Christ yet. But for most of us, what we think we know about hospitality is not what the bible actually calls us to. Come and explore the exciting truth about what Christ has in store for us in this session.

13 Taking care of the people with mental and physical disability
Jelena Sivulka
“The most astounding fact is …that Christians do not have an able-bodied God as their primal image. Rather, the Disabled God promising grace though a broken body is at the centre of piety, prayer, practice, and mission.” -Nanacy L.Eisesland, The Disabled God.
In what ways does God relate to physical, psychological, and mental disabilities? What role can theology play in the lives of people with disabilities, their families, and the Christian community? In what ways did Jesus minister to people who had disabilities and mental health challenges? This workshop will discuss practical steps that can be taken to recognize value and dignity among suffering and to treat them with love and respect.

14 Knowing our Calling and Purpose
Speaker: Peter Saunders
Peter Saunders has been CEO of the International Christian Medical and Dental Association (ICMDA) since 2019 and previously served for 27 years with Christian Medical Fellowship (CMF UK) as Head of Student Ministries (1992-1999) and CEO (2000-2018). He comes originally from New Zealand and has worked as a general surgeon in NZ, Africa and the UK.
Knowing our Calling and Purpose - How do I fit into God's big plan for the world? Does he have a special role for me? How do I discover God's plan for my life? What factors should I be considering? How can I identify his voice more clearly and discern his will? How do I weigh up the pros and cons in major life decisions? What challenges should I expect along the way and how do I negotiate them?

15 An introduction to Whole Person Care
Speaker: PRIME International - Dr. Andy Charley (CEO) and Team
As an international Christian healthcare education charity, PRIME works in partnership with healthcare and education leaders worldwide and, as appropriate, with other Christian healthcare organisations globally. Our mission is to provide teaching that equips and empowers healthcare providers to deliver compassionate care for the whole person (body, mind and spirit). This is modelled on Kingdom values and on Jesus, the Great Teacher. Further details of our vision and mission can be found on our website www.prime-international.org.
This seminar will introduce the concept of Whole Person Care – What is it? Why is it important? What does it look like in everyday clinical practice? Together we will look at how Whole Person Care can change the heart of healthcare practice and improve health outcomes. We will explore how to incorporate Whole Person Care in our teaching using the example of Palliative Care.
As with all PRIME teaching this seminar will be learner centred, interactive and fun, aimed at the hearts and souls of the participants as well as their minds.
The seminar will also include an introduction to the international work of PRIME.
16 Singleness as a Christian - not too young to think about it
Speaker: Ulrike Odefey
My name is Ulrike Odefey, I live in Northern Germany (very close to the North Sea :) ) in a small town, working as a general practicioner together with two collegues and a great team of nurses. Each year several students and young doctors join us in our practice for short-term practical training. I also belong to a growing network of Christian single people in German-speaking countries, who want to connect, encourage and help each other to a fulfilled life. This seminar I will hold together with my niece Kathrin Berg, much younger than me, single and junior doctor in pediatric psychiatry in Schwerin.
Most of you won´t stay single for the rest of your lives, but some might be asking "What would be if ...?" You might ask yourselves how to live your lives as single, Christian and medical student/ doctor in a (medical) world that has other values and ideas than you have. How do you find a fullfilled life in this phase of life? How do you deal with loneliness and longings? We will think and talk about these question and will encourage and challenge one another as people who trust in God´s creativity, provision and very personal and loving plans for us.

17 Offender Healthcare – medical care for prisoners
There are around 11 million prisoners across the world. God cares deeply about those who are detained for whatever reason, as each are made in his image. What are the opportunities and challenges for providing medical care to detainees in different settings? How can Christians bring compassion and hope to dark places through working in offender healthcare? Rachael and Mark will tell their own stories and that of Integritas Healthcare. They have a wide range of experience in the UK and also of humanitarian medicine for detainees, especially in the Philippines. See https://integritashealthcare.org/ .
Dr Rachael Pickering is the Medical Director of Integritas Healthcare, a Christian faith-inspired organisation dedicated to caring for detainees. They operate mostly in the Philippines and provide Healthcare, Education, Advocacy, Research and Training (HEART). In the UK Rachael works as a GP in prisons and in palliative care.
Dr Mark Pickering is the Chief Executive of the Christian Medical Fellowship (CMF) in the UK & Ireland. He is also a secure environment GP."
18 Growing a christian medical movement

Across Europe, one thing is evident, the soil is fertile and the opportunities abound to unite and equip Christian doctors, dentists and students to live and speak for Jesus! Join this seminar to explore how you can practically be involved in your country: locally, regionally and nationally, from starting a prayer group in your local clinic to organising a national gathering. We'll examine biblical principles, review case studies, discuss challenges, and develop tailored solutions. The hope is that you’ll leave empowered, recognising that, through God’s strength, students and juniors can play a vital role in advancing his kingdom in healthcare.
Speaker Rachel Owusu-Ankoma is a junior doctor in renal transplant surgery in London and former Head of Student Ministries at UK CMF.
19 Becoming A Leader In Healthcare
Speakers: Aaron Poppleton, Dr. Ella Metry
Leadership is the art of inspiring and motivating a group of people to act toward achieving a common goal. However, what does leadership look like for a Christian early in their healthcare career?
In John 13, where the Lord Jesus in humility washes the feet of His disciples, we find a striking example of Christian leadership. “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. No servant is greater than his master.” How can we follow Christ and express servant leadership in our personal and professional lives?
We will explore personal leadership skills, styles and opportunities using a mixture of presentation, lived experience, participatory multimedia and group work. Ella Metry, regional representative for Western Europe within the International Christian Medical and Dental Association, will be interviewed on her leadership journey, sharing advice and lessons learned. The session will be interactive, with opportunities to ask questions throughout.
Attendees will be equipped to consider what leadership looks like for them personally in their local and national context, be introduced to leadership resources and network with like-minded Christian colleagues.
Aaron Poppleton is a family medicine doctor and university researcher from the UK. He has a special interest in cross-cultural care, medical education and leadership.
Ella Metry is a doctor from the Netherlands and is the ICMDA Regional Representative for Western Europe.

20 Navigating family, medicine, and the rest of life
Dr. James Tomlinson
How do we negotiate the inevitable tensions and challenges of family and medical career (let alone the rest of life)? Come along to share experiences, reflect together and consider what the Bible has to say about such things.
James is husband to Sarah and dad to 4 (including triplets). He works as a GP 2 days a week and is the current Head of Volunteers & Networks for CMF 3 days a week. He is also a former ICMDA regional secretary for Europe.

21 Practicing His Presence in Prayer
Speaker: Dr Johanna Schaumburg, Germany,
I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” Psalms 16:7,8
Through contemplative prayer, we set apart regular time exclusively to spend with our Heavenly Father. Intimacy with God begins when we diligently pursue Him with our whole heart.
When we seek the Lord through contemplative or listening prayer, we are asking for the Holy Spirit to come and manifest the presence of Jesus to us.
In this Seminar, we are going to discover the secret of a life of prayer, as Andrew Murray wrote, "Take time in the inner chamber to bow down and worship; and wait on Him until He unveils Himself, and takes possession of you, and goes out with you to show how a man can live and walk in abiding fellowship with an unseen Lord.
Speaker: Dr Johanna Schaumburg, Germany,
Johanna Schaumburg is married to Samuel and mother to 4 boys and 1 girl. She works as a Family Doctor and leads a seminar program for young doctors training in Family Medicine at the University of Marburg within the "Competence Center". Prayer has become her passion, listening to God for oneself and for others, leading people into the healing and transforming presence of Jesus.

22 Caring for the unseen: Health Care solutions for Homeless in Berlin
Dr. Ada Jovel
Access to public health is a global challenge, with needs varying depending on the vulnerability of affected individuals and the fragility of their development context. Through four different projects, Berliner Stadtmission offers healthcare for the homeless or people without health insurance in Berlin, regardless of nationality. In this seminar, you will learn about the healthcare provided for them, in which a multidisciplinary team, predominantly volunteers, delivers the required attention. This seminar will enable you to understand how these projects operate in a multi-stakeholder environment and the specific goals they aim to achieve. Includes tour of the facilities of some projects.
Dr. Ada Jovel is a medical professional who completed her doctoral studies in medicine in her home country of El Salvador. Currently based in Berlin and pursuing a Master's Degree in International Health at Charité University of Medicine, has clinical experience working with vulnerable populations and dedicated over a year to the 'Quarantine Station' project for homeless individuals at Berliner Stadtmission during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Since 2023, actively involved in various health projects within the organization and coordinates the medical team for the 'Emergency Overnight Accommodation' project (Notübernachtung) at Berliner Stadtmission.

23 N. N.
Speaker: N. N.
Seminar description follows